Monday, August 13, 2012

Ss - Sun Unit!

Our sun unit was so much fun! We are still getting used to a routine, and I'm sure we will have it down in a few more weeks. Most of our hiccup is the Little Miss wanting to interrupt and have the spotlight! We love her lots, so it's ok! :]

Here are some highlights of our 'SUN' week!

We made a sundial using a large piece of paper, a straw, some playdoh, a marker, ruler and of course the sun!

We stuck the straw into the cup of playdoh to create our sundial and held our paper down with rocks, just to make sure it didn't move.. we ended up having to move our location a few times because of tree shadows though!

Marking another hour. We went up to 4 o'clock then it got a bit too cloudy to mark anymore. Looking back now, I wished we had only marked them out to the length of the shadow, rather, we marked it the whole length of the ruler.

We painted coffee filters with watercolors to look like the sun, before Little Miss wanted to dive into our paints too. 

Our super delicious sun tea: Before & After!

I realize now I didn't take as many pictures of our week as I had thought or anticipated. We made suns out of coffee filters and used our inflatable globe in the dark bathroom with our flashlight representing the sun. Bear thought it was so cool how it is night somewhere else while it is our daytime. 

Of course, our week was a wild and crazy one.. I think it was the few days of Autumn like temperatures we had. The kiddos were super energized and that resulted in alot of outside time too. :]

Our book basket consisted of these books during our "SUN" week:

Bear Shadow by Frank Asch
What The Sun Sees - Nancy Tafuri
Wake Up, Sun! - David L Harrison
Exploring The Sun - Rebecca Olien
The Sun Is My Favorite Star- Frank Asch
Shadows - Carolyn Otto
Guess Whose Shadow - Stephen R. Swinburn
The Sun - Charlotte Guillain
The Sun : Our Nearest Star - Trudy E. Bell

Friday, August 3, 2012

Week 2 of Creation

We have successfully finished week 2 of school and the last week of the creation unit. Here are a few highlights as we wrapped up our study this week!

Bear's creation days poster.

Adding some color to the cover page we printed for the Creation Book. I should have gotten a better picture of this process, because Bear was wearing his Batman mask. :]

Not really sure why Bear wanted to write 'Mom' on the cover. He is so silly!

I found a bunch of clip art and sorted them into two different pages, one God-made and one man-made. We then cut them out and Bear sorted them out onto a big card stock sheet. He enjoyed this activity!

Looking forward to a weekend in the pool to escape this crazy heat before we start our SUN unit!!! Hope God blessed your week!